
With an MA (Master of Arts) in Modern Languages from Cambridge University in the UK, I had two objectives: to travel, and to work in radio.

I achieved both by joining BFBS stations in Malta and later, Cyprus.

I spent five years in the 1980s living and working in Cologne and Berlin. It was a privilege to interview actors and politicians at a fascinating time in Germany.


I studied for an MBA (Master of Business Administration) as I travelled, which helped me to develop my career.  In 1993, I was asked to set up a company in the newly-deregulated field of satellite communications, and become its first General Manager.  This was a very different activity from making radio programmes.  I led a fast-growing group of talented engineers, marketing and sales professionals working together at the cutting edge of broadcast communications. With the backing of  a larger telecoms player in the UK, we continued the growth of the company.

In the 2000s, I moved into consultancy, offering entrepreneurial product development services with partners such as commercial satellite operators and public sector funding organisations. Satellite technology enables satellite television, but it has also revolutionised location-based services such as GPS and earth observation applications used to monitor climate change.

In 2009, I returned to my interest in management training and languages, supporting professionals from different sectors as they face challenging times in their working lives. The field of management training is increasingly recognised as essential to the successful development of any company or organisation. During this time, I served as Chairman of  the Association of MBAs (AMBA), which accredits Business Schools around the world and advocates for management training.